November 2008

Business Plan

The big 3 auto makers were in Washington yesterday.  Flew in on their private jets asking for money.  Now personally I think it makes sense that if they have a jet – and they probably need it – that they would use them to get to Washington – practical – logical – from a business standpoint. But from a marketing standpoint when you have to look at what the everyday person will think of you, and especially when you are trying to persuade politicians who worry enormously about public perception think – well then flying in on a private jet to ask for a […]

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Wealth equals Business plus Time

Wealth . . .True Wealth. Is that not what we all wish for. Freedom, Opportunity, Dreams, Happiness – things we strive to achieve. That is what personal and business wealth planning is all about.  No matter what you have done in the past, who you are, what you do, how old you are, where you live – you can realize your dreams. Your personal future can be a success – and the key to that future is your own business.  The challenge is to learn how to balance personal and business and how they are intertwined to create your own dynamic wealth creation machine. 

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A company’s brand is much more than just a name, or fancy logo or graphics. A brand represents what a company stands for – it’s market positioning.  It signifies what consumers percieve of that company as well as deeper feelings, emotions and beliefs about that company. Brands do have value – Brand Equity – which is a measure of how much more the consumer would be willing to pay vs. the competition or an un-branded version.  A very hard figure to calculate, so we often talk in relative terms. I recently found an article that indirectly demonstrated the power of brands – in regards

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First Impression

A Classy and stylish Logo – is that what it takes to make a good first impression? Yes . . . but not only that. It is true, you need high quality graphics in your  signage, displays, advertising and any other marketing materials.  You need these marketing items created professionally and looking their best. But that VERY IMPORTANT first impression goes way beyond graphics, style and marketing items. It includes things like your location, your cleanliness, good maintenance (no squeaky doors). As well your product will be a huge part of the first impression – you must have the right quality, quantity and product

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