June 2011

Facebook Custom url for personal profile

I spent quite a bit of time this weekend going over how to use Facebook for business.  I will be posting more on that in the coming days. Using social media for business is somewhat an art, but also a lot of science – especially the trial and error testing aspect of science.  Unfortunately you cannot do strict scientific experiments since there is no way to only change on variable at a time.  You are constantly working in a fluid environment (as with all marketing). Today I wanted to give you a bit of advice – a video that shows how to create a […]

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Warrior Forum

If you marketing information products online you have probably heard about the Warrior Forum.  This forum was started many years ago by Allan Says.  It has evolved over time to keep up with the culture of the internet marketing business. At one time it was a place where spammers shared their best secrets – of course at that time – early in the beginning of the internet – spamming was not a bad thing.  It was simply how people made money online (late 1990’s). The Warrior Forum evolved into a discussion of advanced marketing secrets and advice.  When I joined the Warrior Forum it

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More Social Media Stuff

I have been working with a few clients on using social media to market their business.  I find that clients want immediate results and with social media it takes time to build up a following.  It is also a different approach. Business owners often want to send out very sales related messages, but you have to use a softer, more engaging style of copywriting to make it work in social media. This morning I set up a new custom tab on a client’s fan page this morning – check it out – Pearson’s Berry Farm – Facebook. While I was working on Facebook fan

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Blogging for building your Social Persona

How often do you post on your blog?  Or do you even have a blog? With the rise in other social media (including the Search Engine relevance of social media) is a blog even necessary? Is it an effective tool to build your Social Persona online? Personally I feel I do not post enough.  I have went through many ‘dry spells’ in the last 2-3 years where I have not posted for over a month (or longer).  Well I admit that I have an excuse – I was working on my Masters (MBA).  But excuses do not make goals become reality. I just read

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Creating QR Codes from link shortening services

Came across some interesting tips about creating QR codes today. You can easily create a QR code and track the link that is connected to the QR code using either goo.gl or bit.ly services. The goo.gl one is the simplest – just go to www.goo.gl and enter the link that you want to create a QR code for.  Now take the newly created goo.gl link and paste it into your address bar followed by ‘.qr’.  Boom – a QR code is created and displayed.  You can right-click and save it for future use, or copy and paste where needed. If you prefer to use

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