Articles about ideas I learn taking my MBA courses

Leadership in Business

What is a Leader? Many experts will tell you that Leadership is one of the most important things for business success.  So leadership and the traits and characteristics of a leader is something we should study and learn. Correct? Leadership is a matter of intelligence, trustworthiness, humaneness, courage, and sternness . . .    When one has all five virtues together then one can be a leader Sun Tzu – The Art of War Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter F. Drucker Don’t tell people how to do things, tell them what to do and let them surprise you […]

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Organizational Behavior and Management

Organizational behavior’s most central issue is about people – dealing with people – improving their job satisfaction and their performance in their job so that the organization itself can improve. Key to the whole process is management.  Managers support the work of others.  Managers are responsible to help people get things done – for the good of the organization – in a high-quality and personally satisfying manner. Managers must work with their team.  They must be the team leader – they help to coordinate the operation.  They help coach people to improve their job performance. The management process involves four functions – these being

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Emotional Contagion

Emotional Contagion – is it some disease? Well – it can be bad, for you, but can also be very good! Zig Ziglar greats people – morning, noon, and even at night – by saying ‘Good Morning!’ And he has found that 80% of people reply right back – ‘Good Morning’ – no matter what time of day it is. Zig uses this to prove ‘you get what you put out.’  He then discusses that getting people to like you is only 10% up to the other people.  90% of it is what you do – how you act.  If you are nice to

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Organizational Behavior

I started my first class this week on my journey to an MBA! Organization Behavior – something many businesses do not work at near enough.  Unfortunately other things – the hear and now stuff – like profits, products, prices, and other priorities get in the way of doing things that can really make your business grow. Organizational Behavior is all about systems.  How do we create a business system that can generate profits, serve the customer, keep the employees happy, and work in the society we live in. I am really enjoying this topic.  The soft business skills really intrigue me.  I am a

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