
Ag Marketing

Creating and implementing Marketing Tactics

A marketing strategy guides the marketing tactics. Marketing Tactics are the steps you take from a marketing idea through planning, design and implementation and finally to results. Your Marketing Strategy Objectives and goals are critical to implementing a successful marketing tactic. You need to determine results you can measure. You can start creating a marketing tactic using any of the wide variety of marketing elements out there, from your website to social media or events or advertising. You can build simple marketing tactic that only involve a single customer interaction. Or you can create complex marketing tactics with many customer interactions. The steps needed […]

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What’s new in Marketing

Taking a rain break from harvest today. Nice to have a break, but to be honest, would rather be getting harvest done as it is getting late in the year. Checking out what is happening in relation to marketing, a few noteworthy things came up. BDC – Business Development Canada – not sure if enough business owners and entrepreneurs know about BDC.  They need to do more / better marketing.  But they do come up with some innovative ideas and some great content.  Remember content can be in many forms and BDC created a website tool that then shares the results in social media.

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Interesting Ag Sites

I was clicking away on the net today, following a trail of links and Google searches that would make Inspector Clouseau envious – I came across an interesting individual. He is someone that I hope to connect with online – a guy who seems to be another serial web developer (meaning he creates and maintains multiple websites and continues to build new ones). What made this individual even more interesting is that besides the fact we have web development in common – we also have Agriculture as one of our key industries. Martin Cserhati runs AgDigitalMedia.  Sites that he is involved in are the

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Farmer Showcase

Here is an interesting site that I found – an online Agriculture Trade Show at http://farmershowcase.com They showcase new products, ag businesses, latest product news and more. There is huge opportunity here. The way I see it, they could delve down deeper into various product categories, doing reviews, comparisons,etc. There is also plenty of opportunity to engage the viewers, get feedback by users of the products, etc. They could also make use of the latest in online video, partnering with the product companies to showcase how to use the products, testimonials, tell stories about the products that really would engage the viewers, and also

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Marketing Beliefs and Principles

I want to let you know about my marketing beliefs. Share with you some of the basics, some principles that I know work, so that we can move forward together. ABC – Always Be Closing – an old sales axiom – and one that I have heard often.  I agree to a certain extent – but I like to change it to ABS – Always Be Selling.  In every facet of your business you need to be aware that you are selling.  That is crucial.  And with that goes the idea that everyone in your organization is a salesperson for your company – at

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