April 2012

Content is Key to SEO

I was going over a proposal Thursday with a new client. There was many parts to the proposal, but at the core was SEO – search engine optimization. They had talked to a great many so-called SEO experts and were not satisfied with any of them. They were tired of two things.  First not being told what really would help their SEO long term.  They were told many mysterious ‘voodoo’ explanations on how SEO was accomplished. Second they were frustrated that none of the previous SEO experts would provide a method for on-going training and coaching along with thorough explanations on what they were […]

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Social Media Strategy

Social media is about relationships, about multi-way communication, dialogue and engagement. It is distinctly different than the ‘publishing industry’ which as its name suggests – publishes content and then distributes that content. The web at one time was simply an arm of the publishing industry – just another medium to distribute content. But with the publishing model, it is all about what I call the BRUTE force formula: Volume of People X Volume of Content = Success. The web has changed the information and content landscape. The brute force model is not competitive online. There are too many automated ways to do it better,

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