February 2012

Money on the Internet

One of the things I have not done enough of, or maybe not set up a consistent system is using affiliate links. What are affiliate links? There are a great number of businesses that operate on the internet.  One of the ways that they get their business is to pay people what is called an affiliate commission.  It is not very much different than when a sales person sells a car, a vacuum cleaner, a magazine subscription – part of that purchase price goes to the sales persons.  Businesses on the internet do the same. Various businesses that have affiliate programs are Ebay, Amazon, […]

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Effectively Engaging using Online Discussion

I see many people attempting to use various social media to build their business.  They are trying to find new leads and start to build a relationship with people.  Another key objective is to build up your authority in your industry or niche. This has been going on long before Social Media was THE buzz word.  I have been taking part in forums, chats, even online bulletin boards for over 20 years.  The Facebook Wall is simply the latest iteration of communication on the internet. What is really wanted in any discussion area is two-way communication.  You want people sharing ideas, discussing topics. What

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Determining Content in your B2B Website

There are two key things related to how to set up the content on a B2B website. First what is the buyer behaviour of your prospects and second, how does your website fit into your company’s sales process. Let’s go over the various ways that a B2B company could use their website in their sales process. Is your website being used to generate new leads for your business – in that case you need attention getting headlines and engaging content.  You also need to up your SEO as well as have a landing page strategy (possibly using PPC) as well as a way to

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Social Media Styles

Social media is not Black and White and all forms and styles can work. Everyone has their own style, and you have to find yours – one that works for you and your business. Also – remember that good marketing needs to grab peoples attention.  But in Social Media – people often frown on the direct forward approach – so you need to balance the two. A term I like is Passive Marketing.  This article describes how to ‘‘market passively‘ in point number two.  It has some other good points as well. But what it does not do is talk about developing a personal

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Website Tracking

There are an increasing amount of tools for tracking your efforts online. This is both a blessing and a curse.  More tools means more variety and opportunity for finding the right tool, but a curse trying to sort through them to find the ones that work for you. Tracking needs to start with your website – your home base for all your online marketing. For that – I fully recommend Google Analytics. It is what majority of webmasters use. Another good and cheap tracking solution that I also use is Statcounter. And for real time tracking I have just begun working with Get Clicky.

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