
Social Networking Outskirts

I checked out and filled in the blanks on a couple different social networks today.  Each has a particular unique slant on social media.

about.me is a site that creates your own online profile/persona – a summary so to speak of all you are online.  It links your other social sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and other sites into your about.me profile.  It also allows you to link your own blog and add url’s from your other sites (work, etc).  They are also having a contest to put your profile on the big screen in downtown New York City!

The second social network on the outskirts of the main stream that I took some time to add a profile was on Klout.  Klout’s unique angle is to measure your impact in the online social world.  Klout will give you a rating based on what I assume is a 100 point scale (I only came in at 23).  When reviewing other people within my network (yes it had me connect to Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn) there were almost no one over 50.  A few in the 40’s  – lots in the 20’s and many in the teens or lower.

Klout uses some nice graphing features to show your score analysis over time.  They also show your network influence (engagement), the probability of amplification (generate actions and discussions) and your true reach (size of your network).

There are many other social networks on the outskirts of social networking.  Each have their place and their unique angle on social media in today’s world.  Think of them as similar to the myriad of hang-outs, bars, coffee houses and more in the real networking world (with Facebook being Tim Horton’s, Twitter being McDonalds, and LinkedIn being your office lunchroom).


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