Simply Go Try This!

I have been looking, over the past 6 months, for a good – no scratch that – a great tracking program. One of the key things I have picked up on in learning about Internet Marketing is that testing and tracking is very very important. It can make the average marketer great. So I wanted to know what was happening on all my sites. Who was visiting, how they go there, what links brought them there, what they did when they got there. All this information. Well I quickly learned that there are really 2 sides to the tracking issue. The first can be […]

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Internet Marketing Learning Curve is Straight Up

The Learning Curve for Internet Marketing  is Straight Up for me. Man oh man, have I been busy. 2 weeks ago I read the e-myth revisited, blew my mind again on what Gerber knows and how to set up a business. Everyone, and I mean Everyone has to read that if they are thinking about ever starting a business. Then went down and picked up from my local library (had to sign up for a new lib. card too) Jay Conrad Blevins’s Guerrilla Marketing – old book, but an Awesome Read. Tons of good stuff in there about marketing your business. And the refreshing part was that he wrote this just before

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Trend Marketing

Trends! – Can they impact Marketing? tie-dyed clothing slinky disco They are all trends, fads, what’s hot at a certain time. Trends come and go, but while they are around – WOW – are they ever an opportunity for an astute marketer. Tie your wagon to a hot trend and you can skyrocket to the top. Hot Trend – there in lies the problem, what is hot, and what is not. And how long will it be hot, when to jump on board, and when to jump off. That is one area where the info-marketer has a distinct advantage. Because cost of production is

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Email Marketing is Personal

Direct Email Marketing is a great tool. Who today has not gone to the mail only to find flyers, brochures, and notepads or gone onto their computer to find numerous emails from companies wanting their business? Well these companies are onto one of the best ways to advertise, direct mail marketing. Two of the best reasons to use direct mail are the ability to pinpoint your target market and the ability to present a complete sales presentation, of any length, to your target market. In order to have effective email marketing here are a few tips that may be beneficial to you: Remember that

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