With all the different social media platforms and other ways to market your business, is spending time on SEO even relevant?
Especially when it is so damn hard to get to the top pages of Google, let alone the number one or two spot.
Why even try?
My opinion, it is still vital!!
Google searching is still a huge part of how people use the internet.
And people are getting smarter and smarter with Google.
And Google is also getting smarter.
Generic searches like Dog Walker and Tax Accountant… yes these are no longer relevant.
But specific searches, along with location, that is a gold mine.
And many businesses are not tapping in, hoping to rely on social media or other strategies.
And the other BIG reason why SEO is a great marketing strategy is that it forces you to focus on your target market, and to really determine what is important to them.
It also makes you create a very solid website packed with VALUE.
Value that your customers will enjoy, and keep coming back because of that value.
So YES, SEO – Search Engine Optimization – is still one of the top marketing tactics that I recommend.