How often do you post on your blog? Or do you even have a blog?
With the rise in other social media (including the Search Engine relevance of social media) is a blog even necessary? Is it an effective tool to build your Social Persona online?
Personally I feel I do not post enough. I have went through many ‘dry spells’ in the last 2-3 years where I have not posted for over a month (or longer). Well I admit that I have an excuse – I was working on my Masters (MBA). But excuses do not make goals become reality.
I just read an excellent article on using a blog to get a job. While not all of us want jobs, we all want business – so I relate getting a job to building your Social Persona which will allow you to acquire more business. It was by Jennifer Gresham and posted on ResumeBear. It talked about the fact that to build your social persona in your industry – you must get exposure. Yes it is possible to get it the tried and true way through long hours and hard work (which I am not discounting in any way). But another technique is through blogging – BUT not your own blog (although that can help) – but other people’s blogs. Jennifer suggest that you write high quality articles related to significant ideas in your industry, do the research and find influential people that have blogs, and offer to be a guest blogger. I think this is an EXCELLENT idea. What a way to sky rocket your Social Persona to the moon (or even to Mars.
Check out the article here – End the Agony – Let Job Offers come to You